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Atticus dragging the lake 3
Atticus dragging the lake 3

Atticus dragging the lake 3

pubblicato da Discoteca Laziale

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Disponibile in 6-7. la disponibilità è espressa in giorni lavorativi e fa riferimento ad un singolo pezzo
Prodotto acquistabile con Carte Cultura
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Lista dei brani

1 Grattitude - this is the part
2 Blink 182 - not now
3 Taking back sunday - number 5 with a bullet
4 Motion city soundtrack - 1000 paper cranes
5 Mxpx - grey skies turn blue
6 Lucero - bike riders
7 Death cab for cutie - the new year
8 Fall out boy - grand theft autumn (acoustic)
9 The bled - royal wedding
10 Rice against - dancing for rain
11 Piebald - part of your body is made out of rock
12 Lydia - smile, you've won
13 Alexisonfire - no transitory
14 Funeral for a friend - she drove me to daytime television
15 The sounds - living in america
16 Vcr - bratcore
17 The kinison - you'll never guess who died
18 Saosin - bury your head
19 Name taken - cover up
20 Street dogs - in defence of dorchester
21 Recover - cigarette
22 Murder by death - until morale improves, the beatings will continue
23 Mae - this is the last time
24 Bedouin soundclash - when the night feels my song

Dettagli down

Generi Varia , Pop Rock internazionale

Etichetta Discoteca Laziale

Formato Audio CD

Pubblicato 22/01/2015

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 0603967125221

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Atticus dragging the lake 3


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