Catalogue of exhibition open in Matera at National Museum, Palazzo Lanfranchi from October 20 2023 to January 10 2024 A rereading of the cultural and territorial perspective of Southern Italy as a privileged "place" of Futurism, especially from the 1920s onwards, based on the works of the most important protagonists of the Movement. Painting, sculpture, graphics and merchandise shed light on the results of the Futurist Reconstruction of the Universe, the manifesto signed in 1915 by Giacomo Balla and Fortunato Depero, a historical-critical document confirming the temporal and artistic unity (1909-1944) of Marinetti's avant-garde. The choice of works and authors is significant, as is the contamination between the paintings and sculptures, the historical posters of the Salce Collection, the revival of Luigi's Russolo' Noise-intoners, the reinterpretation of futurist clothes by Emanuel Zoo, and period photographs. Finally, an extensive chronology traces the historical itinerary of Futurism in Southern Italy by citing the most important exhibitions, articles and events of that period.
Anonimo -