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Quadrophenia remastered - O.S.T.-Quadrophenia
Quadrophenia remastered - O.S.T.-Quadrophenia

Quadrophenia remastered

pubblicato da Universal Music

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Lista dei brani

1 The Who / I am the Sea
2 The Who / The Real Me
3 The Who / I'm One
4 The Who / 5.15
5 The Who / Love Reign o'er Me
6 The Who / Bellboy
7 The Who / I've Had Enough
8 The Who / Helpless Dancer
9 The Who / Doctor Jimmy
10 The High Numbers / Zoot Suit
11 Cross Section / Hi Heel Sneakers
12 The Who / Get Out and Stay Out
13 The Who / Four Faces
14 The Who / Joker James
15 The Who / The Punk and the Godfather
16 James Brown / Night Train
17 The Kingsmen / Louie Louie
18 Booker T and The MG's / Green Onions
19 The Cascades / Rhythm of the Rain
20 The Chiffons / He's So Fine
21 The Ronettes / Be My Baby
22 The Crystals / Da Doo Ron Ron
23 The High Numbers / I'm the Face

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Generi Soundtrack

Etichetta Universal Music

Formato Audio CD

Pubblicato 07/03/2001

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 0731454369121

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Quadrophenia remastered


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