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The 50 keys of success in Body Building and Fitness - Markus Keller
The 50 keys of success in Body Building and Fitness - Markus Keller

The 50 keys of success in Body Building and Fitness

Markus Keller
pubblicato da Lionspeech

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A regular training is of primary importance to become successful in sports. However, in practical terms, it remains unclear as to which are the most effective methods in performing sports activities. This book aims to shed light on all the contradictory and conflictual points of view that athletes, irrespective of gender, find in their daily training, using the latest scientific studies. To achieve this goal the book has been organized in brief chapters that give a pro-level focused knowledge to the advantage of athletes at any level of performance and in a language that is clear and concise. Moreover, to satisfy the particular needs of trainers and coaches, contents are quoted together with their scientific references. This book shows which are the best practices to follow and helps to take the best decisions. Finally, the text functions as support in the organisation of training sessions as well as diets, allowing the athletes to gain more muscle mass and regulate the fatty mass percentage more easily.

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Generi Salute Benessere Self Help » Cura del corpo , Sport » Altri sport

Editore Lionspeech

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 25/01/2016

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788894126426

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The 50 keys of success in Body Building and Fitness


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