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Violin Quartet Score of "10 Romantic Pieces" - Ludwig van Beethoven - Robert Schumann - Anton Rubinstein - Pyotr Il
Violin Quartet Score of "10 Romantic Pieces" - Ludwig van Beethoven - Robert Schumann - Anton Rubinstein - Pyotr Il
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Raccolta di 10 facili brani del periodo romantico arrangiati per quartetto di Violini di grande utilità per saggi e concerti degli allievi dei primi corsi. Volume PARTITURA.
Collection of 10 easy pieces of the romantic period arranged for Violin quartet, very useful for essays and concerts of students of the first courses. FULL SCORE file.

1. Largo from "New World Simphony" - A. Dvorák
2. Theme from "Le Streghe" - N.Paganini
3. Melody - A. Rubinstein
4. Soldier March - R. Schumann
5. The Great Gate of Kiev - M. Mussorgsky
6. Theme from "New World Symphony" (IV mov.) - A. Dvorák
7. Theme from "Symphony n. 1" (IV mov.) - J. Brahms
8. Theme from "Symphony n. 5" (II mov.) - L. van Beethoven
9. Theme from "Symphony n. 7" (II mov.) - L. van Beethoven
10. Theme from "Swane lake" - P.I.Tchaikovsky

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Generi Musica » Strumenti musicali e Insiemi strumentali » Spartiti e Libretti

Editore Glissato Edizioni Musicali

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 30/06/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9788835341949

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Violin Quartet Score of "10 Romantic Pieces"


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